How to reduce my divorce expenses

Couple Discussing Divorce

It is impossible to predict the exact figure when it comes to the expense estimation of a divorce. Because it is different for every couple. However, on an average the cost of divorce in the United Kingdom runs around £15,000, this excludes property costs. And nobody wants to put in a lot of money in a divorce proceeding. So, here we are presenting you with some ways to cut the cost of your divorce.

Wait, in case of disagreements

A strange rule in the UK refrains people from having amicable divorces. Even in cases where couples want to get estranged on friendly terms, they are bound to put and accept blame. This makes the genuine ending of marriages complicated.

Due to these unwanted and unnecessary conflicts, the party who has to admit blame always suffers. People also get tangled in misconceptions. For instance, it is supposed that a partner who accepts blame gets less in the financial settlement. Whereas, in reality, behavioural aspects are rarely taken into consideration while making such settlements.

A positive side of laws is that they are dynamic. We often have amendments in the existing laws and they make lives better. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill is around the corner. It is expected to bring a lot of changes from the autumn of 2021. These are the predicted changes:

  • No-fault divorce” has been introduced wherein one or both of the partners have to admit that their marriage broke down irretrievably without putting blame on their partner.
  • Drop the legalese. The decree nisi will turn into “conditional order” and decree absolute will be turned into “final order”.
  • There is a minimum period of six months from filing a divorce petition and finalising the whole process.

Changes like dropping the legalese and no-fault divorce will surely provide relief to many couples trying to get separated on a good note.

1. Apply for Legal Aid

In the UK, legal aid for divorce cases was pulled back in 2013. This means one or both of the partners will have to incur some expenses. Though, there are some exceptions in which a person is entitled to legal aid for divorce. Some of the exceptional cases include:

  • Violence
  • Domestic Abuse (It covers financial abuse as well)
  • Child Abduction

Just in case you are looking to hire a divorce lawyer online you can go for legal aid, apply at Before actually applying to pay for mediation by legal aid you should check your eligibility.

2. Get a DIY Divorce

The person who files a divorce petition has to pay the mandatory court fee of £550. This is the unavoidable minimum amount that you will have to incur if you are seeking a divorce.

Apart from this, you can take the legal work into your hands rather than hiring a divorce lawyer online or offline. In such situations, you will lack inputs coming from experienced lawyers. A DIY divorce is only done in limited cases wherein:

  • The couple has no children
  • Domestic Abuse (It covers financial abuse as well)
  • There are no hidden or complicated financial status

If you want to know more about the DIY divorce you can get all the details from documentation to the process on the government’s website. Or read more about how lawyers can help victims of domestic abuse.

Other than this you can get in touch with divorce lawyer in London at Osbourne Pinner. Here, you will get the most suitable legal advice without burning a hole in your pockets.

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