Safeguarding Your Mental Health During Divorce

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Divorce can be very distressing, with 28% of divorcees experiencing depression after their separation. From managing rising costs to dealing with emotional loss, it’s important to safeguard your mental health during divorce. That could be through setting boundaries or putting your mind at rest with divorce and family law solicitors.

Managing your divorce and mental health at the same time might sound easier said than done. However, protecting your mental health can have a positive impact on your loved ones. It could also potentially create more amicable circumstances for your divorce proceedings.

How do you manage your mental health during divorce?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It ultimately depends on your personal circumstances. Still, there are some simple steps you can take to care for your mental wellbeing.

Reach out for mental health support

Talking about your feelings and experiences can be a difficult process. Speaking with a counsellor or therapist could help you to understand your experiences of divorce and mental health, and process your feelings. They can provide guidance and emotional regulation strategies to support your mental health.

Mental wellbeing and self care

Aside from seeking professional support, it’s important to build self-care practices into your routine. This could include mindful breathing exercises to calm your mind, journaling to explore your feelings and future plans, and returning to the hobbies and interests you enjoy. If you feel you’ve lost yourself through the divorce process, self care helps you to make time for you again.

Keep socialising where possible

Spending time with friends and loved ones can also be helpful. On the other hand, it’s tempting to cover up negative emotions when meeting up with even our closest friends. Local support groups for divorcees can provide guidance and a listening ear from those who’ve been through similar experiences. These are useful spaces to discuss divorce and mental health without fear of judgement.

Enjoy time with your children

Divorce can have a huge impact on your children. In some cases, they may also need professional support to process the upheaval that divorce brings.

Outside of this, the stress of the divorce proceedings and child arrangement orders can often get in the way of creating meaningful memories with your children. Spending extra quality time with them can strengthen your bonds, and help them to feel reassured during a destabilising time.

Maintain your physical health

Physical health has a direct impact on your mental health. Exercise and yoga gets your body moving and your mind feeling more positive. Through a walk in the park or visit to the gym, you can balance your mind and body away from the stresses associated with divorce.

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is also essential. Whilst it can be tempting to spend all your time on your divorce proceedings, it’s important to put your papers away before bedtime. Relax before bed and give yourself enough time for the standard 7-9 hours sleep.

Establish boundaries with your ex-partner

Whilst it’s natural to feel angry and hurt throughout your divorce, tensions with your ex-spouse can easily spill over into animosity. That can bring complications to your divorce and mental health, and cause conflict with your loved ones. As your divorce proceedings begin, it’s important to set clear outlines about how you intend to communicate, including contentious topics that should be avoided where possible.

Seek professional legal support and guidance

From consent orders to financial settlements, the legal side of divorce proceedings can place a huge strain on your mental wellbeing. Aside from filling in confusing paperwork and searching for documentation, there’s also the emotional side to consider. Regardless of your relationship with your ex-spouse, ending a marriage can take its toll.

Add a pile of paperwork on top of that, and it’s easy to see why many divorcees struggle with their mental health. Experienced family law solicitors can help to ease this burden. They can take the reins of your divorce proceedings, and advise you about the best steps to take. That gives you more time to focus on rebuilding your life and enjoying special moments with your loved ones.

Divorce guidance from experienced family law solicitors

Divorce proceedings are often confusing and emotionally-charged. You might be concerned about how your finances, including property and pensions, will be affected by your marriage breakdown. Whilst it can be tempting to go it alone with a DIY divorce, this has its downsides, as it won’t protect you from future financial claims from your ex-spouse. You also won’t have access to expert legal advice to guide you through the difficult process.

Seeking legal advice and guidance from expert family law solicitors gives you the stability and peace of mind you need to maintain your mental wellbeing through a divorce. At Osbourne Pinner Solicitors, we can also offer you a free 30-minute consultation, with no strings attached. If that sounds good to you, simply get in touch via our quick and easy form below. You can also get in touch with us by email at [email protected] or call us on 0203 983 5080.

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