Fixed Fee Divorce & Family Law Solicitors Services in London & Harrow, UK

Our Fixed Fee Divorce & Family Law Solicitors are ready to assist you at any time


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Fixed Fee Divorce & Family Law Expert Solicitors Services

At Osbourne Pinner, based in Piccadilly Circus, London and Harrow, we offer a wide range of professional fixed fee divorce services and fixed fee family law services. We are experts when it comes to fixed fee divorce services and fixed fee family law services which means that our team is always on hand to guide you through the process with confidence, delivering peace of mind. With our innovative approach, you’ll be able to take the next step with ease. 

Fixed Fee Divorce & No Fault Divorce Services

A divorce is a legal process by which a couple can end their marriage. In contrast, a legal separation allows the couples to live separately without having the marriage end. Often the couple chooses a divorce when they have been married for less than one year or want some time to think if they really want to end the marriage.

A legal separation allows a married couple to make formal decisions about living arrangements and finances while still being in the marriage. This status is different from a divorce in several ways.

Book a free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee divorce & family law services in London and Harrow, UK now.

Couple Signing Divorce Papers With Removed Rings
Well Decorated Baroque Room

Fixed Fee High Net Worth Divorce Services

High Net Worth divorces frequently involve highly complex financial and legal structures, procedures, and judgments. For this reason, it requires expert legal advice and representation.

The complexity of High Net Worth divorce cases arises for several reasons: 

These are all strong reasons for seeking expert legal assistance from a firm with successful experience offering high net worth divorce services.

Book your free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee divorce & family law services in London and Harrow, UK now.

Fixed Fee Child Arrangement Order Services

Many couples engage in a legal battle to gain the custody of their kids. Such legal battles and disagreements are vexing and stressful for all those involved. If both parents wish to keep the children with them after separation, it becomes quite difficult for them to make a decision mutually.

Many couples opt for litigation where a court decides who gets the custody of the children and defines the terms of custody. The court’s decision is influenced by nothing but the best interests of the children involved.

With a professional and experienced lawyer representing you, you have a better chance of winning your cases as your lawyer builds a strong case for you.

Book your free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee family law and divorce services in London and Harrow, UK, we are available now.

Family Talking With Lawyer
Couple Signing Divorce Papers With Removed Rings

Fixed Fee Divorce & No Financial Settlement Services

When two parties cannot agree over money, possessions or property at the end of a marriage they may need to ask the courts to make these decisions for them. It can be a long process and having the right lawyer on hand for it can make it as painless as possible. We always aim to resolve the financial side of divorce through negotiation through correspondence and/or by referring you to a family mediator. If you are able to reach a settlement in this way, you will avoid the necessity of court proceedings which will save you money. We offer a number of services regarding divorce including assisting with the arrangements of financial matters in London.

We will assist you in preparing for any hearings and arranging representation for you at the hearings.

Book a free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee divorce & family law services in Harrow and London, UK our experts are available now.

Abusive Relationships

Osbourne Pinner are leading solicitors offering a range of fixed fee divorce and family law services which include dealing with abusive relationships. Our team is always on hand to guide you through the process with confidence and peace of mind. Take the first step by calling us or completing the contact form.

Many women and men find themselves in an abusive relationship where their partner either mentally or physically abuses them. Being in an abusive relationship can take a toll on your health, mental well-being and overall quality of life. Our domestic violence expert solicitors can assist you with Non Molestation, Occupation and Prohibited step Order.

Book a free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee divorce & family law services in Harrow and London, UK our experts are available now.

Man On Phone And Woman Crying
Male Couple Holding Hands

Civil Partnership

Contact Osbourne Pinner for a confidential no-obligation consultation about your civil partnership. Whether you’re considering entering into a civil partnership or you need advice on legally ending the relationship, our civil partnership solicitors can help.

Highly skilled and knowledgeable, our friendly experts are ready to help, call us or complete the contact form to discuss your plans. 

Book your free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee family law and divorce services in Harrow and London, UK our specialists are available now.

Fixed Fee Consent Order Services

Consent orders are legally ratified agreements made between a divorcing couple setting out how their money, property and other assets will be divided once their marriage officially ends. They commonly also include such important family financial matters as spousal maintenance and child support. They are so-called because the couple has ‘consented’ to the division by reaching the agreement – and a family court Judge has then turned this agreement into a binding legal order. This means that if either party fails to meet their responsibilities under the order, such as paying maintenance on time, the courts can intervene.

You can apply for a consent order at the penultimate decree nisi stage of your divorce proceedings, and it will then become legally binding at the final decree absolute stage. Only if the couple cannot reach such an agreement between themselves will the case go on to an actual hearing in court. If you and your ex are on relatively good terms following your split, and are able to freely reach an agreement without legal help, it is not necessary to apply for a court order. But if that agreement later breaks down, you will not be able to ask the courts to enforce it.

Book your free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee family law and divorce services in Harrow and London, UK our leading solicitors are available now.

Couple Signing Divorce Papers With Removed Rings
Grandparents And Grandaughter

Grandparents Rights

When you’re looking for assistance with family matters, you only want to work with the best family law solicitors in London. At Osbourne Pinner, that’s what we’re committed to offering. Our local family law firm combines experience working with all kinds of family law cases plus expertise across the board when it comes to Divorce, Grandparents Rights, Pre-Nuptial Agreements, Post-Nuptial Agreements, Child Arrangements, Cohabitation Agreements and Financial Settlements.

With us on your side, you’ll be empowered by decades of experience dealing with a variety of family matters in London and beyond. That’s backed by an exceptionally high success rate and countless testimonials from previous and existing clients. Quite simply, we’ll always work to get the best possible outcome from your case.

Book a free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee family law and divorce services in Harrow and London, UK our leading lawyers are available now.

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is also called a prenup or a pre-marital agreement. Couples planning to enter into a marriage or civil partnership have the ability to decide to enter into a binding agreement that states what happens to their money and property if the marriage or civil partnership were to end.

Prenups are not strictly binding in the UK, but it is likely that a pre-nup will be respected by the court unless the effect of the agreement would be unfair. It is not possible in this country to have a fully binding agreement before marriage or civil partnership about what will happen on divorce or dissolution. In other countries, pre-nups are often binding.

Book a free consultation with Osbourne Pinner fixed fee family law and divorce services in Harrow and London, UK our leading lawyers are available to assist you now.

Couple On Their Wedding Day

Post-Nuptial Agreements

A postnuptial agreement (also called a postnup or a post-marital agreement) is designed to deal with the same situation as a pre-nup. In other words, deciding what should happen to each partner’s assets after divorce. However, unlike a pre-nuptial agreement, which is agreed before a couple is married, a post-nuptial agreement is entered into by the couple during their marriage.

Postnuptial agreements are not strictly binding in the UK, but it is likely that a post-nuptial agreement will be respected by the court unless the effect of the agreement would be unfair.

In order to do the best job of ensuring that the court will not consider the agreement to be unfair if it is necessary to rely on it, both of you will need to set out your financial circumstances in full and take independent legal advice on the agreement and its effects.

Book your free consultation with Osbourne Pinner’s fixed fee family law and divorce services in Harrow and London, UK our expert lawyers are available to help now.


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